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We Are All Extras

Last weekend I was at an inspiring event about mindfulness in schools with Jon Kabat-Zinn. I was struck by his opening words: “The mind that thinks it knows a lot is a prison.”

Menka Sanghvi
Menka Sanghvi
1 min read
We Are All Extras
Just Looking Instagram Photo by @smlevay

Hello Friends,

Last weekend I was at an inspiring event about mindfulness in schools with Jon Kabat-Zinn. I was struck by his opening words: “The mind that thinks it knows a lot is a prison.” Through photography, we can practice the openness of a beginner’s mind, and taste moments of freedom to see the world differently, to be creative.

Here are my handpicked shares for this month:

We are all extras in each other’s movies.
Ironically, those living in busy cities often feel the most isolation and loneliness. Working with this edge, in our last Just Looking photowalk, we explored noticing strangers with a gentle curiosity.

Jay Maisel on how to be a better photographer.
I love this short video by one of my favourite street photographers. He talks about being open, looking slower, and being inspired by art.

A suitcase full of photographic wonder.
A candid and quirky insight into the 1930-50s. (Thanks to Jonathan Garner of Mind Over Tech for this link.)

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Hair.
Wonderful photo essay on the language of hair.

Our Next Events:
Sat 30th June, 1.30-4pm:
Highgate Cemetery: Life through the Lens of Death
A magical location for our next photowalk – register to join.

Sat 8th July, 2-3.30pm:
Museum of Happiness: Be the Love Festival
This promises to be a super fun festival on 7-9th July, including doggie cuddles and a silent disco. Oh, and Satish Kumar will be speaking! Check out the whole schedule.

Tripods everywhere! Boaz on our last photowalk.

I’d love to hear about your adventures in looking. What have you been noticing? What kind of photographs have you been creating? Hit reply to share your news…

Yours in curiosity,
Just Looking


Menka Sanghvi

I'm a writer, photowalker and social entrepreneur exploring how to be more fully "human" in this digital age. Just Looking is a project I started to help myself and others slow down and stay curious!

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