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Look down - look up - Camden Lock, London

Can a conversation shift a perspective? Can a shift in perspective change what is noticed? Can what we notice shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions? These are the hypotheses we test out every time we meet another person.

For many years, Just Looking has hosted mindful walks in London, UK. Each time, we have a different theme in the form of a philosophical thought experiment. We discuss and entertain the idea so as to embed it, then take a walk and see if it changes what we actually notice in the world.

During these walks and later workshops, too, many of us take our cameras and make photos of what we saw. The simple physical act of holding a camera in the hand can help ground us in the practice of looking. It's like tying a string around your finger to remember to do something—in this case, to look.

Finding subtle shadows in Hamstead Heath, London

Over the lockdown period, we have experimented with online events and Zoom calls. There is something powerful about getting together in person - even if it is online - to share insights, stories, images, and smiles. And perhaps most importantly, there is the serendipity: you never know exactly what others will say and do and how you might respond in that moment.

To stay informed about upcoming events, simply sign up for our newsletter.

Previous Events

12th Nov 2023 - "Capturing the Moment" exhibit at the Tate Modern, Southbank, London. (Details)

29th Sep 2023 - "Walkshop" in Kentish Town, London - we will be joining our friends at Street Wisdom for The World Wide Wander 2023 (Details)

16th Sep 2023 - Seeing Faces Everywhere! Exploring Face Pareidolia in Covent Garden, London (Details)

20 Aug 2023 - Dogs, Ducks and Dragonflies - More-than-human Perspective, Aquadrome, London (Details)

14th June – 12th July 2021 – 21 Days of Seeing Slowly. (online event)

14th July 2019 – Slowing down time, Hampstead Heath

23rd August 2018 – Celebrating Impermanence at Twilight, Re:Centre, London (Details)

8th September 2018 – Abstract Photography at the Tate Modern, London (Details)

7th July 2018 – Mindful Photography, Be The Love Festival, Museum of Happiness, London (Details)

30th June 2018 – Celebrating Life at Highgate Cemetery, London (Details)

4th May 2018 – Strangers in the City, London (Details)

14th April 2018 – Intentional Blur at the Southbank, London (Details)

10th February 2018 – Wabi-Sabi in the Natural History Museum, London. (Details)

9th December 2017 – Mindful Playful Photography Workshop, Museum of Happiness, London (Details)

28th October 2017 – Beauty of Transience in St James’ Park, London (Details)

30th September 2017 – Space in Southbank , London(Details)

1st September 2017 – Shadows of Hampstead Heath, London (Details)